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Give us today our daily bread A man who had recently come to faith was explaining to a friend what it was like to be a Christian. He said, "It is as if there were two dogs inside me, one is called right and the other is called wrong, they are always fighting." "Which one wins?", asked the friend. "It depends on which one I feed," he replied. This story is quite simple, but it has a profound meaning. 예수 믿은지 얼마 안되는 사람이 자신의 친구에.. 더보기
이름이 거룩히 여김을 받으시며 Hallowed be thy name 이름이 거룩히 여김을 받으시며 Hallowed be thy name Today, the second phrase that we met in the journey of the Lord’s Prayer is “Hallowed be thy name” It looks quite simple. Doesn’t it? But many Christians hardly understand what this means and how does this phrase affect our lives, when we pray to God with it. So I want look over it and rediscover its value. 오늘 우리가 주기도문을 살펴보면서 두번째로 대하게 되는 것은 “이름이 거룩히 여김을 받으시오.. 더보기
하늘에 계신 우리 아버지여 Our Father which are in Heaven Matthew 6:9~13 How you should pray Three church members were out fishing in a boat when they all decided to confess their sins. The first member said, "My sin is Stealing! And I've just about stolen all the church funds. You all please pray for me." The second member said, "My sin is adultery! I love the Sisters! I just can't keep my hands off the Sisters! You all, please pray for me." The third.. 더보기