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가정의 달 설교 4. Family, the precious story 가정 그 소중한 이야기

                        Genesis 1: 26-28                            Family, the precious story

     로마는 하루 아침에 이루어 지지 않았다. 모든 길은 로마로 통한다, 로마에 가며 로마법을 따르라, 여러분 여기에 나오는 속담들에서 공통적으로 나오는 나라는 어떤 나라입니까? 바로 로마입니다. 로마 제국은 인류 역사상 가장 위대한 나라중의 하나로 불리웁니다.(러니 속담도 많지요)  로마는 사실 지금까지도 정치, 경제, 문화, 언어, 건축, 예술의 많은 부분에 아직까지도 영향을 미치는 나라중의 하나입니다.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, all roads lead to Rome, when in Rome, do as Romans do. Which country was commonly mentioned in the 3 proverbs? Yes Rome. No doubt, The Roman Empire was the one of greatest nations in human history. I think there is no country that affected the world in so many ways, for instance, politics, philosophy, culture, language, construction, and the fine arts, as the Roman Empire even up to our present time.

    로마는 군사적으로도 강한 나라였지만 또한 보이지 않은 정신적인 힘을 가진 나라이기도 했습니다. 그런데 사람들은  강한 로마가  무너졌나 궁금해합니다. 유명한 역사가인 깁슨은 당시 최강의 로마가  무너졌나에 대해서 이렇게 이야기 합니다.

Not only it’s military power but also it’s invisible power made the Roman Empire the strongest empire in olden times. People may wonder why such a great Roman Empire collapsed? The great historian Edward Gibbons wrote about the fall of the Roman Empire, the greatest empire of the all the world-ruling empires.

 엄청난 세금을 내라고 했기 때문에,  사람들이 너무 노는 것을 좋아하고, 지나친 향락에 빠져서,  지나치게  군대와 무기,  종교가 타락했기 때문에 무너졌다고 깁슨이라는 사람은 이야기 합니다. 그런데 이런 문제 말고도 깁슨이 지적하는 첫번째의 이유가  있습니다. 그것은 바로 로마에서 가정이 파괴되고 무너졌기 때문이라고 말합니다. 

He indicated that increased taxation, an insatiable craving for pleasure, an unsustainable buildup of armaments, the decay of religion, all contributed to the fall. Do you know what was the first thing that made the Roman Empire to fall? He said that the breakdown of the family is the first factor of it’s destruction.

나라가 크던지 적던지,  나라의 기초는 가정에서 시작됩니다. 역사를 보면 강한 나라는 건강한 가정들을 바탕으로 만들어 졌습니다. 가정이라는 것은  나라가 서기 위한 가장 기본적인 단위입니다. 그렇지요, 가정이 있어야 사람이 있고, 사람이 있어야 나라가 만들어집니다.

No matter how big the country, it is based on families. History shows that the strength of any nation depends upon the strength of its families. Family is the rock-solid foundation on which a country’s superstructure is erected.

 로마가  무너질 , 사실  나라는 성적으로 많이 타락해져 있었던 상태입니다. 사람들이 가정에는 관심이 없고, 타락한 성에만 관심이 많았습니다. 그래서 로마에서 만들어졌던 그림을 보면 보통 벌거벗은 사람들이 나와서  마시고, 음악을 듣고, 노는 그런 장면들이 많이 있습니다.

When the Rome fell, the people in that country were severely sexually corrupted. Just look at the pictures that show Roman’s life. In the pictures, a dozen half-naked to fully naked people lying around a room with attractive slaves feeding them grapes as they lounge around to music, drink wine, and have a general, physically promiscuous time.

로마 사람들은 결혼과 가정보다는 자신의 성생활을 즐기는데 관심이 있었습니다. 세네카라는 당시 로마의 사람은 이렇게 이야기 합니다.“사람들이 이혼 하려고 결혼하고,  결혼하고 나선 이혼한다 물론 자신의 만족을 위해서 그렇게 했던 것이지요. 뿐만 아니라 동성연애가 유행이었습니다. 그러니 사람들이 정상적인 가정에는 관심이 없었습니다.

They were not interested in their family. Seneca, the famous Roman said, “They divorce in order to remarry, they marry in order to divorce” Additionally do you know homosexuality was predominant and prevailed throughout Roman country. Many of its literary works, poems and graffiti shows that the people enjoyed it.

그래서 로마 사람들에게  성경의 로마서를 보면, 남자들이 순리대로 여인쓰기를 버리고 서로 향하여 음욕이 불일  하매 남자가 남자로 더불어 부끄러운 일을 행하여라는 부분이 나옵니다. 오직 육신의 쾌락에 관심이 있고, 이로인해 가정이 무너지고, 가정이 없으니 로마가 무너졌다고 역사가들은 이야기 합니다.

Even the Bible book of Rome said, “In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.” It seemed people were not concerned about families but on carnal pleasure. That’s why Seneca even then warned that family breakdown would destroy the Roman Empire. 

 그런데 가만히 보면  로마와 미국이 조금 비슷한 부분이 있습니다.  나라  군사적으로 강한 나라입니다. 그리고 처음에는 건강하고 강한 가정들이 있었습니다. 그런데 어느 순간부터 철학, 유행, 문화등을 보면 가정의 가치를무시하는 것들이  미국이나 로마에서 유행하게 됩니다. 제가 미국 온지 6년이 되었지만 건강한 가정을 만들어야 한다는 이야기 보다, 동성연애를 합법화하고 남자끼리도 결혼할수 있게 해야 한다는 그런 말들을 훨씬 많이 들은  같습니다.

I think there are many common things between the Roman Empire and America. Both of them mighty nations Rome and the United States, were and are built on a foundation of strong, stable families. But in both Rome and America, philosophies, trend and cultures that look down on family’s value were predominant. It seems that since I have been in the States, I frequently hear about the right of homosexuality and same-sex marriage more than importance of family.

 그런데 우리가 기억해야  것은  국가처럼 교회도 가정이 중심되는 모임입니다 교회는 많은 가정이 있고작은 교회는 많지 않은 가정이 있습니다귀하고 아름다운 가정이 있다는 것은 마치 좋은 기둥으로 건물을 지은 것과 같아서 강한 교회가 됩니다가정 중요합니다가정은 사회적인  뿐만 아니가 교회와 영적인 것에도 영향을 미치기 때문입니다.

Just like a country, a church also is based on family. A big church has many families and a small church has fewer families. The family is a significant pillars supporting a church. A church would be healthy when the church has good families. It is like a building containing strong pillars. So the family issue is not only a social matter or country matter but also spiritual matter.

 보시면 교회는  가정들을 영적으로 돌보고, 교회는  가정들의 영적인 어머니가 되어서 가정들을 돌봅니다. 동시에 교회 안의 가정들이 교회의 기본적인 바탕이 됩니다. 교회는 가정들없이 세워질수가 없습니다. 그래서 분명한 것은 교회에서 가정들이 무너지면,  교회도 무너지게 됩니다. 그리고 교회가 교회의 역할을 잘하지 못하면, 가정들도 깨어지게 됩니다. 그래서 사탄은 계획은 먼저 가정들을 파괴하는 데에 있습니다. 반대로 말하면 가정이 건강하면 교회와 사회가 건강해지고 행복해 지는 것입니다

A church nurtures families spiritually and a church can be a spiritual shield for families, at the same times, families function as a basic element of the church and a church cannot stand without families. So if families are broken, a church would be destroyed and if a church is broken, families would disappear. That’s why Satan wants to destroy our families in many ways. Therefore reviving the family is the way of making good churches, a sound society and having happiness.

그런데 문제는 사실 결혼과 가정을  지켜나가는 것은 쉬운 것이 아닙니다. 믿는 사람들에게도 마찬가지 입니다. 그래서  조사를 보면 교회 다니는 사람이나  다니는 사람이나 자신의 가정과 교회에 대해서 만족하지 못하는 비율이 거의 비슷합니다. 교회 다닌다고 해서 가정이 항상 평안한 것도 아니고 결혼생활이 행복한 것도 아니라는 것입니다. 여러분 그렇다면, 이건  문제 아닙니까 우리들이 세상적으로  살지는 않더라도 가정과 결혼에 감사해야 하는데, 정작 믿는 사람이나 믿지 않는 사람이  똑같이 결혼과 가정에 대해서 잔뜩 불만족한다는 것입니다. 그렇다면 우리 믿는 사람들이  결혼과 가정의 문제를 어떻게 대해야 하는 것일까요?오늘 본문이 우리에게 말씀하는 것을 깨달으시기 바랍니다.

As a matter of fact, it is not easy to maintain happy marriage and family. Marital dissatisfaction is nothing new. Non-Christians aren’t the only ones having a difficult time finding marital satisfaction. In 2004, some research group reported that Christians who are not satisfied with marriage and family are at the same rate as non-Christians. Unfortunately attending church and having faith alone seems not to be  working for marriage and family life! So how do we manage our marriage and family?

 오늘 본문을 통해서 우리가 먼저 알아야  것은 결혼과 가정은 영적인 문제라는 것입니다. 오늘 본문은 가정이 어떻게 생겼나에 대해서 우리에게 말씀해 주고 있는데, 본문의 말씀을 가만히 살펴보면 하나님께서 당신의 형상대로 아담과 하와를 지으셨고,  아담과 하와가 가정을 만들게 되었습니다. 하나님은 영이십니다. 그리고 당신을 닮은 영적인 존재 아담과 하와를 창조하셨고,  영적인 존재들이 이루었던 것이 가정입니다. 그러니 가정이 당연히 영적인 모임이 되는 것은 당연합니다. 정확하게 말하면 결혼과 가정은 하나님께서 만든 것이기에 신성하다는 것입니다.

The thing we need to know through today’s verse is that marriage and family are a spiritual matter. Today’s scripture shows us the origin of family. This verse teaches us that a family is a spiritual institution because Adam and Eve were created in God’s own image and they formed the family. God is Spirit and in the image of God, He created spiritual being. The first marriage and family was for spiritual beings. To be more precise, marriage and family were divine because the super spiritual being God made them.

 하나님께서 결혼이라는 것을 만드셨기에 모든 가정의 주인은 바로 하나님이십니다. 결혼과 가정은 사람들이 만들어 내고, 사람들끼리 계약해서 하는 것이 아닙니다. 오직 하나님께서 남자와 여자를 만나게 하시고,  결혼을 통해 가정을 만들게 하셨습니다. 그래서 결혼과 가정은 신성한 것이며,  땅에 속한 것이 아니라 하늘에 속한 거룩하고 아름다운 것입니다.

God is the creator of marriage and owner of the family. Humans didn’t invent this core unit called family and marriage is not just a contract that is made by between a male and female. God made a man and a woman meet for the man. God created marriage for them in order to form a family. It means marriage and family are heavenly things and they are divine things.

 가정과 결혼이 영적인 문제라면, 가정이 해야 되는 일은 무엇입니까? 당연히 영적인 일들을 해야 합니다. 그런데 불행하게 많은 가정들이 영적부분들을 무시하고 소홀히 하고 있습니다.  그렇습니까? 자기가 원해서 결혼하고 가정을 만들었으니,  결혼과 가정을 통해서 자신의 만족을 추구하기 때문입니다.

What is the spiritual institution, family supposed to do? Needless to say perform spiritual things which please God. However, unfortunately many families don’t perform spiritual things nowadays because people do not believe that family and marriage are spiritual. They consider family and marriage as something giving them satisfaction.

  보십시요, 많은 사람들이 행복을 위해, 자신의 만족을 위해, 자신을 위해 결혼합니다. 어떤 사람들은 결혼을 통해 자신의 욕심을 챙기는 사람도 있습니다. 그래서   한국에서 의사나 변호사와 결혼하려면 뭐가 필요하다고 했지요?  열쇠 3개가 필요하다는 말도 있었습니다.  남자들은 젊고 아름답고 섹시한 여자와 결혼하고 싶어합니다? 여자들은  많고 잘생기고 능력있는 남자와 결혼하려고 합니다.  그렇습니까? 서로 섬기며, 사랑하고 아껴주고 싶어서  많은 남자, 섹시한 여자와 결혼하려고 하는 것입니까? 서로 존중하고 희생하기 위해서 가진  많고  나가는 사람하고 결혼하려고 하는 것입니까? 아닙니다! 무엇인가 서로에게 얻어내고, 자신의 만족을 위해서 하는 것입니다.

Many people get married for happiness, personal selfishness and personal satisfaction. Some folks want to use marriage and family to fulfill their greed.  Why is it, some men want to find a young, beautiful and sexy girl? Why is it, some women try to find a rich, handsome and good career man? To try serve  each other? To respect and honor each other? To try to sacrifice for each other? Negative! They want to get something from their partner.


 결혼을 통해 어떤 사람들은 부자가 되기 원합니다. 남자들은 성적인 만족을 찾기 원합니다. 그리고 그런 자신들의 바램이 이루어 지지 않으면, 요사이 사람들은 주저하지 않고 가정을 버리고 떠납니다. 하나님께서 가정을 만드셨을 때는 하나님의 목적이 있었는데, 사람들은  하나님의 목적, 영적인 일을 버리고 자신의 만족을 위해 결혼합니다. 그러니  결혼은 불행해지고 가정은 약해지기 쉽습니다.

 Some want to be rich, show off their appearance, satisfy their sexual lust and if they are not satisfied with those purposes they don’t hesitate to leave their families.  When God created male and female to be a core unit family, God had His own purpose for them. The problem is that human beings tend to use marriage and family for their own sake.  That’s why folks have a difficult time in their marriage and it becomes weakened.

하루는 어디 바쁘게 가다가 주유소에서 기름 넣을려고 섰습니다. 시간이 워낙 없어서  바쁘게 서둘렀습니다.  바깥으로 나와서 카드를 긁고 주유기를 들었습니다.  그때 무엇인가 이상한 느낌이 들었습니다. 뭐가 이상한데,,하고 살펴보니 내가 들고 있는 것이 디젤 주유기 였던 것입니다. 여러분 만약에 내가 차에다가 디젤을 넣으면 어떻게 될까요? 아마 가지도 못했고,   고치느라고  많이 썻을 것입니다.

One day, I rushed to go somewhere but I needed to stop by a gas station to fuel up. At that time, I had not enough time so I hurried. I got out of the, swiped a card, and grasped nozzle to put in the gas. At that very moment, I realized I picked up wrong nozzle. I took diesel hose. My brother! If I put diesel in my car, what would happen to me? I would need to spend much more time to fix my car.

 여러분 마찬가지 입니다. 결혼과 가정은 신성한 것이며, 하나님의 계획과 목적이 있는 것입니다. 그런데 사람이  결혼과 가정을 통해 자신의 육적인 목적을 이루려고 한다면 당연히  가정과 결혼은 약해지고 망가지기 마련입니다. 제차에는 개스를 넣어야 하듯이, 결혼과 가정 안에는 하나님의 계획과 목적이 있어야 하는 것입니다. 그래서 히브리서 13 4절은 우리에게 경고하고 있습니다.“모든 사람은 결혼을 귀히 여기고 침소를 더럽히지 않게 하라 음행하는 자들과 간음하는 자들을 하나님이 심판하시리라 결혼이나 가정을 가볍게 생각하지 마십시요. 결혼과 가정은 하나님께서 직접 만드신 위대한 작품입니다.

In the same way, marriage and family are divine. They have their own purpose from God. If a man uses marriage and family for his sake, the marriage and family are going to break. Hebrew 13:4 says, “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral” Don’t think of marriage and family lightly, they are divine and a spiritual masterpiece of God.

    여러분 아나니아와 삽비라를 아실 것입니다. 성경에 나오는 않좋은 커플중의 하나입니다.  사람들은 자신의 소유중에 얼마를 팔아서 마치 그것이 전부인  처럼 거짓으로 하나님께 바쳤습니다. 그런데 하나님께서  거짓말을 모르셨을까요?

As you may remember, there was a bad couple in the Bible. They were Ananias and Sapphira. They had sold a piece of their possession so that they could offer it to the Lord. But Ananias and Sapphira held back and kept part of the money they got from selling the possessions. Ananias brought some of the money and came to lay it down before the apostles as an offering to the Lord.


베드로가 물어봅니다.아나니아야  성령을 속이고  것으로 감추느냐? 네가 사람에게 거짓말을  것이 아니라 하나님께  것이다  말을 듣자마자 아나니아는 땅에 떨어지고 숨을 거두게 됩니다.

But Peter said, “Ananias, why did you lie to the Holy Spirit? Why did you hold back some of the money from the possession you sold? You are not lying to men but to God.” After Ananias heard Peter say these words, he fell down and died.

 교회의 젊은 청년들이 그의 시체를 들고 나가서 묻고  때에 아나니아의 부인 삽비라가 옵니다. 삽비라 역시 베드로를 속이려고 합니다. “자기의 것을  팔아서 가져왔다고 거짓말을 합니다”   

    The young men came and wrapped his body with a cloth. Then they carried him out and buried him. After three hours, Ananias’ wife, Sapphira, who was not aware of what had happened to her husband, entered the place. Peter asked Sapphira, ”Tell me is this the price that you had sold the possession for?” Sapphira answered, “Yes, this is the full price that the possession was sold for.”

    그러자 베드로는 어떻게  사람  성령을 속이고 시험하느냐고 책망합니다.  말을 듣고서 삽비라 역시 땅에 떨어져 숨을 거두게 됩니다. 남편을 묻었던 사람들이 다시 아내를 들고 나가서 땅에 묻게 됩니다.   사람은 가정과결혼이 하나님의 목적과 뜻이 있는 거룩하고 영적인 것을 몰랐던 사람입니다.

Then Peter said, “How is it that both you, and your husband test the Holy Spirit? See for yourself, the young men that carried your husband out from here to be buried are already here and they will carry you out too.” Sapphira immediately fell down on the floor and died.

가정은 하나님께 속한 것이고, 하나님께서 우리들의 가정을 다스릴 , 비로서 하나님의 창조의 목적이 이루어지는 것입니다. 그것이 제대로  것입니다. 아나니아와 삽비라는 그저 그들의 만족을 위해 거짓말을 하였고,  결혼 생활은  사람  죽는 것으로 끔찍하게 끝나게 됩니다.  

    A family is supposed to belong to God and God rules over the family to accomplish the purpose of creation. However, Ananias and Sapphira focused on how they were to be satisfied. That’s why they tried to deceive the Holy Spirit. The result was horrible.

제가 말씀드렸던 처럼이 시대의 많은 사람들이 결혼과 가정에 대해  어렵다고들 합니다. 어떤 때는 좋기도 하다가, 어떻때는 힘들때도 있고, 웃을 때가 있다면, 울때도 있습니다. 사나운 비바람 몰아치는 같은 때가 있는가하면, 화창한 봄날 같은 때가 있습니다. 그런데 이런 결혼과 가정 생활하면서 우리가 가지 깨닫는 것이 있습니다. 그것은 무엇입니까? “ 맘대로 안된다 것입니다

Like I said, unfortunately, we see those who have a difficult time in their marriage, perhaps each of us have a problem. Our families and marriages are going through ups and downs like waves. Sometimes they are sweet, sometimes they are bitter. Sometime it is like a rainy day but sometimes it is like a sunny day. One thing for sure, we think we cannot control our marriage and family.

 여러분 결혼과 가정이 우리 마음대로 되지 않지요? 그것은 애초부터 결혼과 가정이라는 것은 하나님의 뜻을 이루고 하나님께 영광을 돌리기 위해 만들어졌기 때문입니다. 여러분 말위에는 안장을 놓는 것이고 소위에는 멍에를 지워야 합니다. 만약에 위에 멍에를 지우고, 소등에 안장을 놓는다고 하면 어떨까요? 그렇게 수는 있겠지만, 사실 그렇게 하나마나입니다. 무엇이든지 나름대로 하는 방법이 있는것처럼, 결혼 역시 인간의 뜻이 아니라 하나님의 영광을 위해서 만들어진 것입니다.

Do you know why we cannot control them? Because they are supposed to be for God’s glory and purpose. It is like you want to put a yoke on your cow not on your horse in order to cultivate your field. Right? And you want to put a saddle on your horse not on your cow to have a race. Everything has its own purpose. In the same way, marriage and family have their own divine purpose.

그러므로 사랑하는 성도 여러분! 우리가 가정 생활할 때에는 가정이 원래의 창조의 목적대로 가도록 해야 하는 것입니다. 하나님께서 선하신 뜻대로 여러분과 가정을 주장하셔야 하는 줄로 믿으시기 바랍니다.

So my dear brothers and sisters! How are you going to treat your family? Get your family be on the right track which means making an effort to help your family to go on its way. Let God use you and your family with His divine purpose.

아나니아와 삽비라가 그렇게 하나님의 뜻의 반대로 가정생활을 하였다면, 브리스길라와 아굴라는 반대입니다. 이들은 로마에서 쫓겨나와 고린도라는 곳에서 살던 부부입니다. 거기서 사도 바울이 전도 여행을 때에 만나게 됩니다. 그리고 사도바울에게 가르침을 받으며 귀한 동역자가 됩니다.

However, we find the opposite example from Ananinas and Saphira, in a couple and their family who lived for God. Who were they? They were Priscilla and Aquila. They were a married couple from Italy who found themselves in Corinth after all the Jews were expelled from Rome. There they became prominent Christians and close friends with the apostle Paul whom they met during his travels through the area.

사도바울은 그들과 같이 텐트를 만들면서 생활하고, 그들의 집에 거하게 됩니다. 부부는 같이 살고, 일하고, 예수님을 알아가고, 서로 영적으로 성장하는 그런 부부였습니다. 그리스도안에서 하나되는 결혼 생활을 하였던 부부입니다.

 Paul came to work with them in their shop because they were tentmakers, and even lived with them in their home during his stay in Corinth. These two who lived together, worked together, and suffered exile together, came to know and love Jesus Christ together, and it made their marriage complete. Now they were one in Christ, and His love made a good marriage even better.

서로 서로 가정에서 말씀과 함께 자라날 뿐만 아니라 예수 그리스도를 위해서 같이, 힘을 다해  섬기는 그런 아름다운 커플이었습니다. 사도바울이 위대한 사도이긴 하지만, 곁에서 브리스길라와 아굴라처럼 돕는 사람이 없었다면, 사도 바울도 그런 큰일을 하지 못했을 것입니다.  부부는 사도바울의 사역에 아주 도움이 뿐만 아니라, 신실한 동역자이자 친구였던 것입니다.

Aquila and Priscilla not only made their living together and grew in the Word together, they served the Lord together. Most would agree that Paul was a great apostle and evangelist, but dedicated friends helped Paul achieve many of his accomplishments. Christian friends, like Aquila and Priscilla, are vitally important to ministry and evangelism.

그래서 사도 바울은 편지를 때에는 너희가 그리스도 예수 안에서 나의 동역자들인 브리스가와 아굴라에게 문안하라 저희는 목숨을 위하여 자기의 몸이라도 내어 놓았나니 나뿐 아니라 이방인의 모든 교회도 저희에게 감사하느니라그들은 자신과 가정을 하나님께 드리고 하나님의 뜻대로 자신들의 결혼과 가정이 사용되기를 바랬던 사람입니다.

That’s why Paul wrote his letter saying, “Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus. They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them (Roman 16:3-4) Priscilla and Aquila offered their life to God and God used their family in order to spread His Kingdom. 

어떤 목사님이 말이 기억납니다. “가정은 세상에서 천국을 보여주는 곳입니다. 여러분의 가정은 나중에 있을 천국의 모습이 미리 나타나야 합니다. 결혼 생활과 가정 생활은 조그만 천국입니다.” 사탄이 그런 조그만 천국을 좋아할리가 없습니다. 사탄이 천국을 넘볼수 없으니, 이제 조그만 천국인 가정을 넘보고 파괴하려고 하는 것입니다.

I remember what a pastor said that “Families represent heaven on earth. Your family is representative of what God has planned for the universal family. Anything that is representative of God is hated by Satan. He knows that he cannot destroy God so he will destroy anything that reflects Him or His desires.”

그래서 오늘날 까지 가정과 결혼 생활에 대한 사탄의 공격은 계속되고 있는 것입니다. 지금도 사탄은 어떻게 공격합니까? 부부사이를 멀게 해서 가정을 깨어 놓습니다. 영화나 드라마를 통해서 불륜을 부추깁니다. 동성연애 그리고 동성간의 결혼을 법으로 인정하게 해서 정상적인 가정들을 파괴하려고 합니다. 사탄은 가정과 결혼을 통해서 오는 하나님의 복을 빼앗아 버리고 하나님이 우리를 위해 만들어 주신 결혼과 가정을 망쳐놓습니다.

That’s why Satan’s attack on families has continued until today. Some say, “There are signs of it all around us. With the increasing rate of divorce, the acceptance of common-law relationships, the barrage of Hollywood immorality, and the legalization of same gender marriages, we can see how successful Satan has been in twisting and perverting God’s best for us and depriving us of the blessings that marriage brings to the family.”

여러분 그렇게 사탄은 여러분들의 가정과 결혼을 망치려고 하는데, 여러분은 대비책이 있으십니까? 지금 미국에서는 2.5 커플중에 커플이 이혼을 한다고 합니다. 그런데 년전 하버드 대학의 연구가 결혼과 가정이라는 잡지에 실렸는데 내용은 이렇습니다. 식구들이 같이 모여 예배드리고 성경을 읽는 가정의 이혼율은 무려 1286분이 일이라는 것입니다. 여러분 이것이 얼마나 놀라운 차이입니까? 그래서 기사를 사람이 이렇게 말했다고 합니다. “하나님은 접착제 같다

Do you have the plan for defeating Satan’s strategy for divine marriage and family? The divorce rate in America is now 1 out of every 2.5 marriages.  A number of years ago Harvard University did a study.  It was later reported in Marriage and Family magazine.   They studied families that read the Bible daily together.  They prayed together and they went to church together and the divorce rate was one out of 1,286.   That's the difference God can make in a marriage.  The writer said. “He is the glue”

 가정은 여러분들의 삶에서 몇번째로 중요할 까요? , 첫번째로 중요한 것이 가정입니다. 우리가 우리의 가정을 지킬 때에, 우리들의 가정과 결혼 생활이 점점 건강해질때에, 하나님께서 우리의 가정과 결혼을 다스리실 때에. 때야 비로서 창조의 섭리가 우리에게 이루어지는 것이며, 우리 하나님의 영광이 나타나는 것이고, 우리의 가정과 결혼에 천국이 세워지는 것입니다.

The family is the most important part of the life because God intended for you. When we keep our family, when our marriage and family are solid and when we let God rule over our marriage and family, God will use us for His own purpose and glory according to the providence of creation. Family, the precious story how do you write your family story?  


Let us pray!

Dear Lord! Thank you for giving us a precious family. We acknowledge that our marriage and family comes from you. They are the most invaluable things in our life. Give us wisdom to take care of our family as a father, a mother, a spouse and a child. Help us to keep our family spiritually so that our families can be used for your glory. We confess that you are the master of our marriage and owner of our families. Continue to bless the many families in this room, let them live not for their own worldly desire but for You and your glory. We believe that you watch over and protect our marriages and families. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.