사랑 썸네일형 리스트형 가정의 달 설교 3. The mother, Naomi 어머니 나오미 (어버이날 설교) Ruth 1:15-18 The mother, Naomi 여러분 이 이야기 들어보셨습니까? 중국에서 일어났던 일인데요, 위멩이라는 한 소년이 있었다고 합니다. 그런데 얼마나 어머니 아버지를 존경하고 사랑했는지 나이가 8살 뿐이 안되었는데도 모든 동네에서 다 알고 있을 정도였다고 합니다. 그런데 그 집은 가난해서 모기장을 살 돈도 안되서 해마다 여름밤이면 모기 때문에 잠을 잘 못잤다고 합니다. Have you ever heard this story? During the Chin Dynasty in China, a boy named Wu Meng loved and respected his parents in an exemplary way in his city although he was just eight y.. 더보기 Can you love? 사랑하시렵니까? Matthew 5: 43~48 마태복음 What do you see? There is an apple on the screen. We are watching the same apple but there might be different kinds of thinking about the apple. If there were children, they would just think it is tasty. If you are a housewife, you might think where you could buy that apple or make an apple jam. And if you are farmer, you would think of what kind of apple it is. If you were Bible college student.. 더보기 이전 1 다음